Arctic Giants Lesson Plan
What We Are Learning
Science Focus:
Arctic habitat
Theme Vocabulary:
enormous, giant, huge, paw, tusk, prey, tiny, mini, itsy-bitsy, habitat
fine motor skills
- The word enormous is key to understanding this issue. Tell children that when something is enormous, it is very, very big. (It’s fun to say it in an exaggerated voice!) Talk about things that are enormous: Is a tall building enormous? Is a fi re truck enormous? building vocabulary
Sensory Play: Arctic Table
Materials: sensory bin, plastic Arctic animals, pretend snow or water with ice, tongs
- In this sensory activity, children create an Arctic scene and play with Arctic animals.
- Put water and ice cubes in the sensory bin. You can also use the pretend snow from the “Make Snow!” activity. Experiment with adding materials like blue Magnatiles and other clear plastic materials. If you use ice cubes, add a pair of tongs so children’s fingers don’t get too cold.
- Add the animals into the snow or water, and let children explore! As they play, reinforce vocabulary by naming the animals and talking about their habitat. “Wow! What are your Arctic animals doing in the snow?” imaginative play
Materials: space big enough to move freely
- This fun movement activity helps children understand the issue’s
- vocabulary.
- To start, practice moving like animals in the issue: polar bear, walrus, musk ox, orca, ermine, hare, fox, and snowy owl.
- Then call out the name of the animal and have children cross the space moving like that animal. When children reach the other side, call out a new animal. Continue until you have practiced moving like all of the animals.
- To finish, have an Arctic animal dance party! Play music and let children choose which animal they want to be! gross motor skills