Do You Want to Be a Firefighter Lesson Plan

What We Are Learning


Community Helper:

a firefighter’s job


Vocabulary Theme Words:

firefighter, gear, ladder, spray, burn


Word Meanings:

naming firefighter gear


Health and Safety:

burn safety/critical thinking

  • You can’t repeat fire-safety rules enough! So be sure to show children our online fire-safety video. After watching, discuss with children: Why do people need to stay safe from fire and hot things? background knowledge

Fire Safety: Put Out Pretend Fires

Materials: water, plastic bin, shaving cream, red and yellow food coloring, utensils for scooping, pouring, and spraying water.

  • This sensory activity allows children to pretend they are firefighters putting out fires!
  • To prepare, put shaving cream in your bin and add some drops of red and yellow food coloring. (Children can help with this.) Let them mix it up with a spoon.
  • Fill up a large bowl with water and the utensils you collected.
  • Invite children to use utensils and water to put out the fire! Allow them to guide the play.
  • You can also reinforce vocabulary by asking questions like, “What kinds of tools are you using?” “I see you using water to extinguish the fire.” pretend play, sensory play
Children playing on circle spots

Materials: circle spots (or painter’s tape), device to play music

  • This gross-motor game helps reinforce a key safety rule. Stay away from anything hot!
  • To prepare, place “stepping stones” (circle spots or spots marked with tape) on the floor. Be sure to have enough stepping stones for each child. Children will hop or jump to go from one to the next.
  • Now tell children that they will be pretending that very, very hot lava surrounds the stepping stones. Don’t touch it!
  • Model how you go from stone to stone while the music is playing—being mindful of your neighbor. When the music stops, freeze—be careful not to fall into the lava!
  • Also explain that it’s OK to fall because it’s just pretend! We will all try our best. If a friend falls, you can even ask if they need help. SEL, gross motor